Language Of God

166. Molly Worthen | Science and the Journey to Faith



Molly Worthen is a historian by training and wrote the book, Apostles of Reason, which explores the history of evangelicalism in America. When she wrote the book about 10 years ago, she approached the topic as an outsider, identifying as an agnostic. Then in 2022, she rather surprisingly found herself getting baptized at the front of a large evangelical Southern Baptist megachurch. In the conversation she tells the story of her conversion and questions she asked, including questions about miracles, science, and what it means to be intellectually engaged and also believe in the resurrection of Christ.  This conversation was recorded in front of a live audience at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary on February 21, 2024.  Theme song and credits music by Breakmaster Cylinder. Other music in this episode by Titan Sound, courtesy of Shutterstock, Inc.  Join a conversation about this episode on the BioLogos Forum. Register for the 2024 Science and Faith Conference, April 17 - 19 | Raleigh, NC