Ask Noah Show

Ask Noah Show 379 | Work Life Balance



How do you balance the stress of tech with the benefits? Noah and Steve dig through the delicate issue of work life balance. -- During The Show -- 01:00 Migrations Complete! $22/month on EMS to $50/month Self Hosted 02:30 Ajit Praise - Cory Their are cultural differences between Japan and the US Most of us want "maximum absence of coercion" People have different views of "justice" Internet going from luxury to necessity in a generation Still learning the effect of internet and technology Book recommendation The Master Switch ( Moral compasses Things are moving fast in multiple directions 12:40 Django vs PHP - Joe Batteries included approach Open Source Tech Training Overview ( Our Note Organizer (GitHub) ( 15:40 Naelr from Mumble Suggestion: iRedMail ( Suggestion: MailCow (https://