Relatable With Allie Stuckey

Ep 954 | ‘Disease X’ & the End of American Sovereignty



Today we're talking about the mysterious "Disease X," a hypothetical future pandemic that is projected by "experts" to be 20 times worse than COVID. We explain how the concept of Disease X was born and what the World Health Organization and its director general, Tedros Ghebreyesus, have to do with it. We look at the many warnings from these "experts" claiming that Disease X is a matter of "when, not if" and that the proposed treaty they are attempting to get passed is definitely, absolutely not a ploy for power and control. We take a look at the WHO's history of terrible "guidance" during COVID and explain why we should be skeptical of any organization and treaty calling to prioritize "equity." We explain China's role in this and why it matters whom we elect when it comes to potential disasters like this. --- Timecodes: (00:50) Introduction & thoughts on filters (10:05) Disease X origins (13:25) Tedros Ghebreyesus & warnings (22:00) The truth about the WHO (30:35) Pandemic treaty issues (39:36) China's rol