Ever Forward Radio

EFR 785: How Alcohol Affects Your Gut Microbiome, Brain Health, Hormones, Lowers Fertility and How to Eat to Change How You Drink with Brooke Scheller



This episode is brought to you by BioPro+. This is a comprehensive journey into the world of sobriety, sober-curious, and the multifaceted impact of alcohol on our bodies. From gut microbiome disruptions to hormone imbalances and nutrient depletion, Dr. Brooke Scheller, DCN, CNS peels back the layers of alcohol's influence on our health. With her personal sobriety story and background in functional medicine as well as clinical nutrition, she is sharing an insider's look into the complex relationship between our drinking habits and overall well-being, and why the social narrative around alcohol's health benefits needs a sober second thought. Brooke shines a light on the lesser-discussed effects of alcohol on our hormones and stress levels, exploring how even moderate consumption can throw our delicate hormonal balance out of sync. As a society inundated with stress, understanding alcohol's interaction with cortisol is more important than ever. She also provide insights into how alcohol's presence in our lives