Lets Face It W/ Wil Strayhorn & Friends

How to Adopt for $0 in Less than 9 Months!!



Hot Topix w/ Wil & Paula B- Tune in to Chime in!       "What would you do if your significant other and their ex still exchange Christmas Gifts?"        " Do you allow your politics to affect your interactions with others!?" (Featured Guest) Bridgette Bradley, author & founder of a national non-profit, has over 35 years’ experience as a child & family advocate, adoption innovator, Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) volunteer, & other orphan-relief efforts. She is an author & teaches “How to Adopt for $0 & in Less Than 9 Months”; derives innovative technology & options for birth parents considering abortion; advises parents considering adoption; champions adoption ethics & discrimination reformation. (Special Offer) $30 donation gets a 30-day jumpstart program for anyone interested in adoption. This includes 1- hour a day of learning to prepare anyone to adopt for fast, free and painless. We have a video posted on the homepage now with a sneak peek on