Better Everyday With Sarah And Dr. Brooke

Dr Brooke Show #387 Eat Smarter As A Family with Shawn Stevenson



For more info on how I can help you visit my site He’s back! Best selling author, host of The Model Health Show and all around great human: Shawn Stevenson. In this episode we talk all about his new book aimed at helping families eat well together. Shawn shares research on how vital it is not only to eat healthy food but to share time and meals with those we love. It’s something that’s easy to let go by the wayside in our busy, hectic lives but this act of eating meals together is more profound and beneficial than we realize. This cookbook is easily adaptable to various nutrition plans and most importantly the recipes are delicious!  Learn more and get your copy of Eat Smarter Family Cookbook here.   Be sure you’re subscribed to The Dr. Brooke Show on your favorite podcast player so you never miss a new episode.    To work with Dr Brooke click here and if you loved this episode please leave a review!     Follow Dr Brooke on Instagram and get signed up for my awesome emails here. Seriousl