Dave By The Bell

049 What's in? | What's out?



Before the start of spring break, Dave headed out to talk to Mountaineers who always seem to know what’s up, what’s in and what’s out! Listen as they discuss what they’re bringing with them into the second half of the semester and what’s getting left behind. We are talking about energies, habits and yes, you guessed it… water bottles!           Transcript   Dave Hey, Kyla! Kyla Hello. Dave How's it going? Kyla Pretty good! Dave That’s good. It's a beautiful day, right? Kyla Yeah. Dave Nice day for a Dave by the Bell. So we're talking to students about what's in and what's out since it's halfway through the semester. And let's talk to this group of people. Jocelyn I’m Jocelyn, what's out is those...do you know those like, Lululemon shorts that were, like, really puffy and, like, super high waisted? I hate them. They're out. Dave Yes, all right. Jocelyn They've been out. It's time to wear shorts again. And those are still they're still not. Okay. And what's in for me is probably I