Well, Well...

Episode 24: Talking with Six Degrees Society Founder Emily Merrell



This week Jor-El and Rachel are joined by Emily Merrell, the founder of Six Degrees Society.  Emily founded Six Degrees Society to create spaces for women entrepreneurs to establish contact with others and learn from one another. Emily left her job working in fashion to help create warm, accessible environments where people could connect and learn from one another with authenticity and ease. And thus, Six Degrees Society was born!Rachel and Jor-El talk with Emily about her journey into business, the challenges she faced and how she dealt with them, as well her exciting plans for 2020. Take a listen and don’t forget to send in your questions and feedback to us @vivawellnessnyc, @rachelgersten and @jorelcaraballo on Twitter and Instagram. And please leave a rating and review on iTunes so that we can grow out podcast even further. Thanks for listening! You can learn more about Emily and Six Degrees Society at the following link https://sixdegreessociety.com/.