Crosstalk America

Federal Health Agencies and the COVID Cartel: What Are They Hiding? Pt. 1



On February 26, 2024 U.S. Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin led a roundtable discussion titled, Federal Health Agencies and the COVID Cartel- What Are They Hiding-- In this discussion, the senator and a panel of experts exposed the corruption and censorship of the COVID cartel including federal health agencies, Big Pharma, legacy media and Big Tech. This event opened the public's eyes to the failure of the global elite and their institutions. This forum also gave a platform to suppressed and marginalized voices.--Forum participants included---Dr. Robert Malone-Dr. Jessica Rose-Mr. Ed Dowd-Kevin McKernan-Dr. David Gorthler-Dr. Harvey Risch-Barbara Loe Fisher-Dr. Brian Hooker-Dr. Pierre Kory-Dr. Raphael Lataster and many others.