Anne Ortelee Weekly Weather Astrology

Anne Ortelee's March 3, 2024 Weekly Weather



I included last week and this week.  Last week, I am pleased to report, I was in NYC for follow up tests on my cancer surgery last fall.  All clear and great results! Last week Mercury, Sun and Saturn met up in their annual journey.  Mercury was combust the Sun and Saturn making communication precise and blurry at the same time! We have big solar flares so our insides and the outer world will be feeling intense. Mercury is super busy this week, making aspects to virtually every planet and gathering information as he goes.  He culminates the week by entering Aries for prominent news on the New Moon this weekend. The New Moon in Pisces falls on the Saturn/Neptune midpoint promising failures, collapses and releases. The Saturn/Neptune midpoint is the failure point in a chart where the structures collapse.  Watch for disasters or departures.  The New Moon is at 20 Pisces and involves both Orpheus and Eurydice indicating descents into the underworld of partners. Last but certainly not least, Mars squares Uranu