M&a Science

Overcoming M&A Challenges



Douglas Barnard, former Executive Vice President, Corporate Development and Legal Advisor at CF Industries (NYSE: CF) Problems don’t usually surface at the early stages because it's the honeymoon phase. Both the buyer and the seller would like to see the deal happen, so they work together to build momentum. And often that means postponing dealing with some of the more difficult and contentious issues. However, these M&A challenges are inevitable and will arise as the deal progresses.  In this episode of the M&A Science Podcast, Douglas Barnard, former Executive Vice President, Corporate Development and Legal Advisor at CF Industries, discusses effective strategies to overcome M&A challenges. Things you will learn: • Mindset to prepare for M&A • Overcoming M&A Challenges Between Signing and Closing • Mitigating Post-Merger Integration Risks • Biggest Challenges in M&A • Advice for First-time Acquirers ***************** This episode is sponsored by FirmRoom. FirmRoom provides 80% cost s