Podcast By Crystal Andrus Morissette

How Can I Access My Feminine Side?



On this month's Chat with Crystal, Veronique calls in and shares that she's having trouble accessing her "feminine side." Crystal goes over her Three Dominant Archetypes, as outlined in her Emotional Age work (featured on Oprah.com)--Daughter Energy, Mother Energy, and Woman Energy--and how being stuck in Mother Energy can sometimes translate to not feeling "feminine." In fact, in the world of "yin + yang" or "feminine + masculine," Daughter Energy represents the feminine. In contrast, Mother Energy is masculine, and Woman Energy is the transcendence of the two into the "wholeness" of who we are. Veronique shares that throughout her marriage, she definitely showed up in Mother Energy, but four years ago, when she ended her marriage due to domestic violence, she felt her Woman Energy emerging more. Though, she still struggles with it. She also shares that her role models growing up were in Mother Energy, too, being "strong," and not complaining or talking about things that were hurting or burdening them.