Nixon Now Podcast

Chris Whipple on White House Chiefs of Staff



What is the role of the White House Chief of Staff, and what effect have they had in the governance of a presidential administration? This edition of the Nixon Now podcast features Chris Whipple, author of “The Gatekeepers: How the White House Chiefs of Staff Define Every Presidency.” Chris Whipple is an acclaimed documentary filmmaker, a writer, journalist, and speaker. A Peabody and Emmy Award Winning Producer of CBS 60 minutes and ABC’s Primetime, he’s the chief executive officer of CCWHIP Productions. Most recently he was the writer and executive producer of Showtime’s "The Spymasters: CIA in the Cross Hairs." Of the “Gatekeepers,” Jonathan Alter says “Through Whipple’s discerning lens, we learn scores of new things about how government really works at the highest level.” Interview by Jonathan Movroydis.