Apostle Sydney Quaye

The Blessing of The Lord - Born Blessed



Preached by Apostle Sydney Quaye, Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church In this empowering message by Apostle Sydney Quaye, listeners are reminded of their inherent blessings as children of God. Drawing from biblical teachings, Apostle emphasizes the importance of recognizing and embracing the abundant favour bestowed upon believers. He highlights the transformative power of God's presence and the assurance of divine prosperity despite life's challenges. Through insightful interpretations of scripture, he inspires a mindset shift towards gratitude and expectancy for blessings in every aspect of life. Listeners are encouraged to tap into their identity as carriers of God's grace, righteousness, and power. Apostle passionately declares that believers are born into a life of privilege and authority, destined for success and victory in all endeavour’s. He emphasizes the need to align one's confession with the truth of God's Word, declaring blessings, protection, and prosperity over their lives. Join Apost