Emily T Gail Talk Story

Emily T Gail and Colleen Robar, Robar PR and Detroit Homecoming Program Manager



Colleen and I were having a catch up conversation in her office at Robar PR on Burns and Jefferson ... More of my reaching out to her about some of my visions for how to keep weaving and being a part of the Detroit community ...Detroit Homecoming has been the last few years a wonderful support system for what I am doing in and for Detroit and for myself as I'm one of the small entrepreneurs/artists waking up every day working at figuring out how to be an expat who continues to contribute while creating some income for what I do in Detroit. So I thought I would have Colleen share a few words about the 2018 Detroit Homecoming and spur of the moment turned on my voice memo to record.While it was educational, informative which I love because I learn from the speakers and panel discussions things about Detroit I don't know and should know that would take me so much more time to learn on my own. It's a chance to meet and reconnect with expats and locals and it was also a lot of fun.My heart is still filled with jo