Ry Rant Radio

Episode 200: The Next Day Method



In this episode, Coach Ry discusses the challenges of achieving goals and emphasizes the importance of mental strength and consistency. He introduces the concept of the two voices in your head - the strong voice and the inner bitch voice - and explains how the inner bitch voice can hold you back from reaching your goals. Coach Ry introduces the Next Day Method as a strategy to overcome the inner bitch voice and stay on track with your goals. He emphasizes the need to beat down the inner bitch voice and build mental fortitude to achieve success.Key Points: Achieving goals is not easy and requires hard work and consistency. There are two voices in your head - the strong voice and the inner bitch voice. The inner bitch voice will try to hold you back and make excuses. The Next Day Method is a strategy to overcome the inner bitch voice and stay on track with your goals. Consistency and mental strength are key to achieving success. Chapters00:00 - Introduction01:23 - The Difficulty of Achieving Goals03:00 - The Tw