A Few Things With Claire And Erica

Three Literary Gems and a Love-It-Or-Hate-It Condiment



Not to brag or anything, but our reading has range. Please accept the authors we discuss in this episode—buzzed-about novelist Kevin Wilson, person you’ve definitely heard of Jessica Simpson, and children’s book phenom Sandra Boynton—as proof. But first: We schmear it on thick with the Marmite.   The linkage:   You like coupon codes? Course you do.   C’mon with Marmite’s very knowing mugs and personalized (!!!) jars.   How about putting Marmite on toast with Greek yogurt like Erica? Or on avocado toast like Table on Ten? Maybe you also want to blend it with butter or use it in this chicken dish.   Speaking of salty condiments: We’re very into Momofuku Hozon and Bonji, both available at Peach Mart in Hudson Yards.   Books! Claire’s latest favorite: Nothing to See Here by Kevin Wilson. If you’re into this, you may also like Magic for Beginners by Kelly Link or Rich and Pretty by Rumaan Alam.   Erica’s latest favorite: Open Book by Jessica Simpson. If we don’t sell you on grabbing a copy, maybe this NYT prof