A Few Things With Claire And Erica

Corrections, Follow-Ups, and Milan



It’s about time for an addendums episode! AKA an ep where we dump our additional thoughts (and your feedback) on topics we’ve discussed—because there’s always more to say about styling, aging, and, apparently, catalogs.    Looking for a method to define your personal style? Check out Allison Bornstein’s Three-Word  Method on TikTok: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, and part 6 for your clicking pleasure. (Call us with your wooords!!) More about her philosophy in this Harper’s Bazaar profile.   Re: styling, a follow-up on Amy Smilovic, including the outfit that stopped Claire in her tracks and her shirt-tying innovation. When it comes to button-downs, Claire loves her custom oversize Chava one—it’s great with elastic-waist pants (as is this Roucha tank top.)    In response to our discussion of marbling, we learned about some family-owned places to get monogrammed marbled gifts in Florence: Alberto Cozzi and Riccardo Luci.    Speaking of Italy, we both recently visited and fell hard for Milan—i