Boost Your Boutique With Emily Benson

Email Segmenting for Boutique Growth



1:27.0 So when should you start an email list? Like Day one. Okay. If you don't have an email list or you only have a list of people who purchase from your boutique business, that's fine.1:38.4 Even if it's 20 people on your list, even if it's five, get signed up with an email service and get going.1:54.7 What are we doing with email? Why are we doing it? One, we're staying top of mind with customers.2:01.5 Email has the highest return on investment, somewhere like 38 for every email you have, like you get in return every time you send an email.2:20.0 Most people aren't going to unsubscribe. So don't feel ashamed or bad or whatever about sending emails.2:26.8 They signed up with you. Okay. And you're just communicating with them. You're saying, Hey, this is what's going on in my store. This is what you should know about.2:43.4 Now, how often should you be sending? I say at least once a week and please don't call this a newsletter. 3:15.5  Can't tell you how many emails I've gotten that have this tit