Tribe Byron Bay

Episode 164: Maria Mason - Good News Series: You're Invited to the Banquet to Feast - 25 February 2024



Lent is a time to traditionally fast and seek God before the Easter celebration of resurrection. Our community will begin a corporate fast on March 10 – Easter Sunday! Watch our social media for ways you can partner with us in this season!Today, however, Maria Mason teaches from Matthew 22 – the Parable of the Banquet. Traditionally, this parable teaches us about the two main groups in history- those who want in on Christ’s salvation from sin and those who reject His Lordship. But there’s another metaphor as well - those who were once willing to go out of their way to get filled up and those not interested in feasting on the invisible banquet of encounters with God! Jesus said: “Blessed is the one who will eat at the feast in the kingdom of God.”This feast is His Kingdom and His love! Encountering God is our birthright and not a deluxe form of Christianity. We must learn to encounter God, and it takes some practice. Being “known by God” is the key. Spend time with Him and let Him know you! It's not all about