Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

234: Where Are You OVER-Giving & UNDER-Receiving? (#2 of 3 in Burnout to Balance Series)



Many of us operate like banks that give more withdrawls than deposits, resulting in imbalances in our relationships, wellbeing, money, jobs, businesses and projects that lead to undue suffering, struggle, and sacrifice.  We OVERgive - time, energy, resources, care, and mindshare -- to projects, people, our passion and our purpose. We UNDERReceive the time, energy, resources, care and mindshare we need and desire. As a result, eventually we burnout, become resentful, get sick and discouraged, or quit. We don't SEE the imbalance or the ways we OVEReffort, work, extend, etc. until we get to the drama, distress or dis-ease.   One of the breakthroughs I discovered in all my research around burnout and sustainable success and wellbeing is that we don't have to wait until the extreme imbalance hits our bodies, beings, bank accounts, relationships or brains. We can use the power of Cyclical Living to pause (usually around March Equinox) and take a look around our life, work, relational, & wellbeing design, illumi