Community Solutions Podcast

Episode 304- North Atlantic Trouble


Synopsis Another state primary down, and another state primary solidly in the "W"column for President Trump. Nevertheless, Nikky Haley is staying in the race with no path to the nomination. It's certainly her right to do so, but at what point is she helping Joe Biden and the Democrats? We declare the inauigural "Conspiracy Week", where we discuss our favorites from JFK, to AI, and the crazy things we see happening with the Biden administration. Lastly, we discuss the previous purpose of NATO and what it has become. It was devised to stop the advance of communism in post war Europe, but after the fall of the U.S.S.R., there was really no need for NATO anymore. Don't worry, outdated government doesn't ever go away, it just gets repurposed. The scope of NATO has expanded, the number of countries have grown, and has us head to head against Russia once again. Are we on the brink of war with Russia? Will Ukraine be admitted? NATO has a budget that's over $1 trillion annually (largely funded by the U