Malcom Reed's Howtobbqright Podcast

The “Memphis in May” Problem, Open Fire Cooking & BEST Holiday Party Food



In this week’s HowToBBQRight Podcast, how was Malcom’s Thanksgiving celebrations (00:20)? He LOVED watching the Egg Bowl… me not so much (07:08). At Deer Camp, Malcom and the Buck Junkies were THROWING DOWN on their new Breeo fire pit (09:05), and Mark whipped up some crazy marbled pork chops (15:22)! What’s going on with Memphis in May 2024 (22:40)? Should we do a HowToBBQRight BBQ Fest, instead (30:36)? Malcom really does make the best Blue Plate Blue Cheese dip (33:38), and I want to know what holiday party food he’s serving it up with (37:19). What foods are we reaching for every holiday season (45:50)? There are only TWO episodes left in Season 6… how are we planning to close out the year (55:50)?