Author Vivian E. Moore

When Independence Becomes Overwhelming



Welcome to this engaging episode of "Book Chat", hosted by the prolific author Vivian E. Moore. This episode targets independent authors who might be feeling overwhelmed by the solitude and immense responsibility of their journey. Vivian encourages authors that it's okay to seek help to preserve mental and emotional well-being. She shares seven practical steps to overcome the feeling of being overwhelmed that includes seeking a support system, hiring professionals like editors or marketing experts, taking breaks, practicing self-care, setting boundaries, seeking professional mental help if necessary, and the ever-important step of remembering why one started writing in the first place. This episode aims to dispel the societal misconception that needing help is a sign of weakness. Instead, Vivian encourages authors to view it as the first step to gaining strength. She emphasizes the importance of recognizing and acknowledging the signs of being overwhelmed and the need to seek help when these signs become evid