Design Recharge

Blake Stevenson // Mining Cuteness



THE DESIGN RECHARGE SHOW: Blake Stevenson // Mining Cuteness Episode 214 Blake Stevenson is one of my heroes, because everything he makes has some sort of cuteness factor in it. I am always afraid of making something ugly and it is like he has a magic pen and with it everything he creates is cute, even his skulls rank high on the cuteness scale. So I say Blake is mining cuteness, he has struck gold and the ore he pulls from his creative mine (I am using a mining analogy) is filled with unstoppable cuteness. . I will ask him if he ever makes anything ugly, or is it still cute? Blake has the  ability to reveal emotion while creating the cutest characters. This week I will be interviewing Blake Stevenson, the mastermind behind Jetpacks and Rollerskates. Blake works a full time job, has a family, and still finds time to create for himself and share those creations with us. This episode will dig into how he makes realistic goals, fights against trend band-wagon-riding, and how he found his style. . On this episo