Design Recharge

From Designer to Modern Artist with Debbie Clapper


Synopsis Season 3.2 Episode 407 March 16, 2022
Debbie Clapper has been a designer and illustrator. Debbie has shifted to doing her art full time. She creates public art works for cities, murals for businesses, rooms for home owners who want something modern and fantastic. Debbie not only creates one of a kind pieces of art (never using a ruler), her background as a designer aids her in getting new work, marketing herself, packaging her pieces, and so much more. Can you draw a line so straight without a ruler like Debbie? Have you ever wanted to ditch the designer hat and go full time with your art? We will find out all about what Debbie has done and how she uses her design chops and entrepreneurial skills to deliver amazing pieces to her customers. I hope you’ll join us this Wednesday, March 16 at 6:30pm GMT / 2:30pm EDT /