Design Recharge

Ryan Hollingsworth // Putting Pride Aside


Synopsis Episode 420, LIVE on Wednesday, October 19, 2022 I heard Ryan's story at Design Revival ( an awesome conference in Columbus Georgia) this past August. I was struck by his ability to grow, adapt, recognize the places where he needed to grow, and the leadership and direction he was given. Ryan is the Creative Director at Elevation Church. He has worked at the church for 16 years. His story is inspiring and makes me think about how I can reframe my attitude which will help me to impact others. Ryan focuses on helping others, he has learned how to be a great leader and isn't afraid to hire people who are better designers than himself. Lots of people burn out after years working at a church. How does Ryan avoid burnout? How does he build up his team? I am thankful to have met him and so happy to hear his story. I am excited t