Design Recharge

The Lies I Need to Stop Telling Myself



Find full show notes at: I often tell myself things I should be doing, or things I should be improving, or things I should be learning. But there are only 24 hours in everyday and we are supposed to sleep for one third of those hours. I am teaching a class about self promotion on social media. In class I asked the students how they use social media. Most stated that they consume but rarely share. If they do share it is not their design work. They said they were scattered and weren't sure what to post. One student said he posts things he is proud of. And I thought afterwards, if I waited until I was proud of something I would never post either. Social Media and self promotion like any campaign should be planned. UH OH there I go shoulding again. The question is how do I share what I am learning and not feel like a fraud or an imposter. If I tell myself I will start sharing when I don't feel like an imposter, I will probably never sta