Apostle Sydney Quaye

The Prosperous Man



Preached by Rev. Dr. Stephen Nuworkpor-Gapson, Deputy Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church. Rev. Dr. Stephen Nuworpkor-Gapson delivers a compelling sermon on the story of Joseph, emphasizing divine prosperity through the presence of the Lord. Joseph's journey from slave to prince illustrates that prosperity transcends circumstances when God is with us. The sermon highlights Joseph's prosperity despite being stripped of everything, attributing it to the Lord's presence. Rev. Dr. Gapson stresses the importance of recognizing Emmanuel, Christ within us, as the source of prosperity. He declares divine empowerment over the listeners' lives, affirming that the Lord's presence ensures prosperity in all aspects. This succinct yet powerful message encourages believers to walk in the blessings of God's presence and prosper in every endeavor.