Left Of Lansing

100: Episode 74: Fighting to move Delta County forward w/ Kelli van Ginhoven



Here's episode 74 of Michigan's premier progressive podcast! As we've seen in our state, elections have consequences, especially on the state and local state side! I talk about how within a year, Michigan Democrats passed some much-needed legislation to move the state forward in terms of women's reproductive rights, worker rights, union rights, setting-up a robust clean energy future, and protecting family farms. But despite those victories, Christian Nationalists within the Republican Party want to roll all of that back, and could possibly do that if we lose this November. I turn my focus on what's happening in the Upper Peninsula county of Delta because as we've seen happen in other counties across the state, the extreme right wing grabbed control of the Delta County Commission. But as we've seen in Ottawa County, activists in Delta County didn't sit back and allow their government to fall into extremism. Through hard work and networking, they got recall elections in place against three of those right-win