Tell Me Your Story

Linda Broenniman - The Politzer Saga


Synopsis Did you knowthat March 9th is recognized as Genealogy Day? In our fragmentedworld, tracing genealogy has become a passion project for people worldwide.Think, PBS Finding Your Roots and History Detectives. LindaAmbrus Broenniman has set an amazing example by documenting her family lineage– filled with shocking secrets found in a house fire in a book called The Politzer Saga. There’s even a correspondingmuseum exhibition of this family story in Budapest.Imagine growing up as a church-going Catholic and then later in lifediscovering your father was Jewish (a secret he took to his grave) with 8generations of Hungarian Jews before him and from where he and his wifeemigrated to Buffalo, NY in the 1940’s. Clara Ambrus, Linda’sCatholic mother hid Jews during the Holocaust and was later recognized as“Righteous Among Nations” at Yad Vashem, the International Holocaust Museum among figures likeSchindler. The story getsbetter. In that lineage were characters like Adam Politzer, known to ENTsas