Autoimmune Hour On Life Interrupted Radio With Sharon Sayler

Courage Club Conversations: Up For The Fight with Bill C. Potts 5-time Cancer Survivor



Get ready for an inspiring journey as Bill C. Potts shares his heart-warming story of what it’s like being a five-time cancer survivor with Sharon Sayler, the host of The Autoimmune Hour. In our time together, Bill speaks to how surviving cancer has made him cherish and live life more deliberately.As a successful businessperson, Ironman athlete, and author of ‘Up for the Fight: How to Advocate for Yourself as You Battle Cancer—from a Five-Time Survivor,’ Bill shares many valuable life lessons he has learned through his epic journey. Yes, you read that right - Bill is a five-time cancer survivor who is currently battling his sixth bout with cancer. So, fasten your seatbelt and get ready to be inspired! Bill’s upbeat attitude and optimism, mingled with pragmatism, converge head-to-head when Sharon and Bill share tips mixed in with the many parallels in all survivor-to-thriver stories, whether autoimmune, cancer, or... including Adapting to a new normal and staying calm in crowded spaces,The importance of seekin