Rope Podcast

Ep167: Tying and Being Tied in Rope Bondage with Autism - Listener Question!



A note from Fox and Mya: We’re not medical professionals, so this episode doesn’t constitute medical advice. We’re also aware that there are many sensitivities around ASC/ASD that we may overlook. Bear with us, and feel free to gently and kindly provide feedback in the comments if there’s something we didn’t get right. We also aware that [‘Aspergers’][] as a term is now outdated, and has now been merged into Autism Spectrum Disorder, but we reference it in the episode as the listener’s email referred to it. A listener reached out to ask about tying with someone with Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC) or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Fox and Mya aren’t experts in this area, so they reached out to their listeners to ask them to share their experience. In this episode, you can hear from seven listeners who either have themselves, or have a tying partner, with ASC, and were kind enough to record soundbites for us. They share tips, challenges, pros and cons of the c