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Dr. Andrew Schmookler - Freedon vs Tyranny


Synopsis The Central Challenge Facing a Civilization-Creating Creature — Part I – A Better Human Story The Central Challenge Facing a Civilization-Creating Species — Part II – A Better Human Story And then this piece that puts those ideas into a fuller context: The Fate of Human Civilization - 3 Quarks Daily They are related-- as you'll see, the ideas in the briefer op/ed piece (on "The Central Challenge Facing a Civilization-Creating Creature) are contained in the larger framework in the essay (published on 3QuarksDaily), titled "The Fate of Human Civilization." Here's the op/ed piece: Andy Schmookler: The central challenge facing a civilization-creating species | Nvdaily | Here's the larger perspective: The Fate of Human Civilization - 3 Quarks Daily The Battle Between Democracy and Fascism – A Better Human Story Andy Schmookler: Contact with 'the realm of the sacred? | Nvdaily | When Evil Rises Among a People – A Better Huma