Dolman Law Group Podcast

Digital Marketing Tips to Boost Website Traffic and Conversions with Chris Dreyer



Personal injury law is a saturated field — there are thousands of firms battling for top spots on Google search results. So, how do you stand out from your competitors?According to SEO expert and Rankings CEO Chris Dreyer, there are two top digital assets that law firms should focus on: their website and their content. When crafting content and updating your website, you have to keep the consumer in mind. Is your website accessible? Is your content readable? Are you showcasing your authority and expertise?When it comes to your website, you want to create a flat architecture, which makes it easy to access each page of your website quickly. Most people are just focused on website aesthetics, but a great website makes it easy for consumers to find information. A flat website is one that doesn’t have sub-folders for every different category — all pages are one or two clicks away from your home page. This means that you have to be intentional with every single piece of content and where you’re placing it.In r