Apostle Sydney Quaye

The Blessing of The Lord - Reigning (Part One)



Preached by Apostle Sydney Quaye, Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church In this inspiring podcast, Apostle Quaye delves into Proverbs 10:22, revealing the profound impact of the blessing of the Lord. Discover how the blessing of God transcends boundaries, enriching every aspect of life—financially, spiritually, emotionally, and materially. Through powerful declarations and biblical insights, learn how the blessing of the Lord makes a way where there seems to be none, ushering in divine favour and prosperity. Explore the philosophy of blessings, understanding that as believers, our focus on loving and honouring God aligns with His central attention on us. Experience the assurance that God's blessing empowers us to reign and prosper, irrespective of our backgrounds or circumstances. Be encouraged as Apostle Quaye shares how the blessing of the Lord transforms unfavourable situations into testimonies of His grace and provision. Embrace the truth that no circumstance can withstand the power of God's blessi