Thought Stack: Adventures In Being Human

TS 18: People Aren't Out To Get You...They're Just Dumb



I was biking to the grocery store a few days ago. As I was pedaling along happily, a bright-red car door materialized in front of my face… I swerved. I almost fell off my bike but was able to recover. As soon as I was stabilized, I looked back to yell at the man who’d opened the car door and almost killed me. “What a @#$%ing dick,” I muttered to myself as I pedaled into the parking lot of the grocery store. In that moment, this man was clearly an asshole. Or was he? As I walked through the grocery aisles, I realized that I’d failed to apply Hanlon’s Razor to the situation: “Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.” Read the full article at