August Brice Thriving With Technology @ Tech Wellness

EMF Sensitivity Syndrome: The Hidden Dangers of Technology



EMF sensitivity, also known as Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS), is a condition in which individuals experience adverse health effects when exposed to Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) from various electronic devices and technologies. In this episode, we explore the story of Laura, who reached out to us with concerns about her husband's sudden onset of EMF sensitivity.    Can you imagine waking up one day and being unable to get out of bed, plagued by excruciating headaches that worsen with every workday? It's a reality for many individuals suffering from EMF sensitivity. This condition affects many people, and it's crucial that we understand its dangers.   Laura's experience with EMF sensitivity syndrome will leave you inspired and empowered. She discovered Tech Wellness and booked a consultation with us. The hour-long conversation resulted in life-changing advice and strategies that made a dramatic difference for her husband.   This eye-opening episode sheds light on the dangers of electromagnetic fields