Spacetime With Stuart Gary

50: SpaceTime with Stuart Gary S19E50 - A Spinning Gas Halo



Stream on demand from Stuart here with the Show Notes for Series 19 Episode 15. *A spinning gas halo discovered around the Milky Way Astronomers have been surprised to discover that a halo of hot gas surrounding the Milky Way galaxy is spinning in the same direction and at a comparable speed to the galaxy’s disk. Scientists had thought this enormous reservoir of hot gas remained stationary while the Milky Way spins inside it. *The Square Kilometer Array reaches another milestone Scientists have completed another key step in their efforts to build what will be the world’s largest radio telescope, the SKA or Square Kilometer Array. Researchers have successfully tested astronomical verification of a critical sub-system for the giant telescope known as the frequency synchronisation system. *Farewell to Rosetta’s Philae lander European Space Agency mission managers have formally switched off the system on the Rosetta spacecraft which provides communications links between the orbiter and its tiny Phi