Spacetime With Stuart Gary

56: SpaceTime with Stuart Gary Series 19 Episode 56 - Rumors of habitable planet persist



Stream on demand from (mobile friendly) or Hi, Stuart here with the Show Notes for Series 19 Episode 56: *Rumours of a habitable zone planet detected around our nearest neighbouring star system There are growing rumours claiming the detection of a terrestrial Earth like planet within the habitable zone of our nearest neighbouring star system Proxima Centauri. A report in Germany’s respected Der Spiegel news magazine claims the discovery was made by astronomers with the European Southern Observatory’s La Silla telescope in Chile. *Scientists use a simulated black hole to demonstrate Hawking radiation A scientist using a simulated black hole may just have demonstrated existence of Hawking radiation – the hypothesis claiming black holes evaporate over time. The research could open a window linking Albert Einstein’s General Relativity Theory with Quantum Mechanics – finally pointing the way to quantum gravity. *Physicists confirm possible discovery of fifth force of