Manlihood Mancast

How to Split a Toaster - A Divorce Lawyer’s Advice for Men - Seth Nelson, Esq



Men, many of you are navigating divorce. We get a lot of questions on this podcast for men about that topic, and admittedly, having been married for 25 years, I don’t have all the answers. Today’s guest is uniquely qualified to help men navigate divorce, as a leading divorce attorney who has walked through the divorce process himself.In this episode, Seth R. Nelson, Esq,  Managing Partner at NLG Divorce & Family Law, shares valuable advice for those navigating the challenging post-divorce period. Seth recommends taking a minimum of a year after finalizing a divorce before delving into a serious relationship. During this time, he emphasizes the importance of prioritizing quality moments with children without third-party interruptions and dedicating efforts to personal growth. Seth highlights the significance of utilizing this transitional phase for self-improvement, suggesting avenues like mental health counseling, therapy, recognizing blind spots, and rekindling sidelined hobbies. The focus is on holistic