Sharp & Hot

Episode 104: Day of the Dead for Beginners



This week on _ Sharp & Hot _, Chef Emily kicks off the show with a crazy story about a recent encounter with cheese mites! After the break, guest Zoe Maya Jones joins in studio discussing the Mexican holiday, Day of the Dead.  Raised in Cancun, Mexico, she relays that the spirit of the day is more joyful than solemn and along with traditional foods and celebrations, the holiday encourages visits by the departed souls to hear prayers by the living directed to them.  Zoe shares great insight on the sugar skull phenomenon as well as how she celebrates the day while living in NYC, plus details on her co-owned chocolate subscription service, Chellaoui Chocolatier.   Click here for more on Day of the Dead! “In Aztec culture, and many other belief systems, you never really die.  You just move on to another life; so it was really a celebration more than a mourning of people who had passed. Similarly, now it is the same.” [11:44] –Zoe Maya Jones on Sharp & Hot