Apostle Sydney Quaye

The Mindset of The Blessed



Preached by Apostle Sydney Quaye, Global Lead Pastor of Shekinah Avenue Church In this captivating podcast episode, Apostle Sydney Quaye delves into the transformative power of the blessing. Rooted in Proverbs 10:22, he illuminates how God's blessing enriches lives without adding sorrow, bringing divine favour and prosperity. Apostle Sydney underscores the significance of being born again, emphasizing the profound change believers experience through Christ. He illustrates how the blessed mindset aligns with God's promises, fostering resilience and hope. Through compelling biblical narratives, Apostle Sydney reveals how the blessing orchestrates divine arrangements, turning unfavourable situations into opportunities for growth and restoration. He leads listeners in a prayer for global healing and renewal, invoking God's intervention in times of crisis. Join Apostle Sydney as he empowers listeners to embrace the blessed mindset—a mindset marked by faith, abundance, and unwavering trust in God's provision and pr