Dracaena Wines Podcast

Orange Muscat on Winephabet Street



It’s Monday, Let’s raise a glass to the beginning of another week. It’s time to unscrew, uncork or saber a bottle and let’s begin Exploring the Wine Glass!  Today we return to Winephabet Street, where the letter of the day is O and it stands for Orange Muscat. Although the origins of Orange Muscat are not guaranteed, it is thought to be from Italy or France. It was once popular, but today it is not widely planted.  For this episode, we went directly to the source. When you google Orange Muscat, Quady Winery is number one on the display. Andrew Quady purchased a plot of land in Reedly, CA in 1980 and is the authority on the variety. Listen, as we discuss his road to winemaking (not a typical one,) how he fell in love with the grape and how the wine is made. It’s a fun one!    If you listen to a lot of podcasts, you know that many ask for patreon. We do not plan on doing this, but we do ask you to support the podcast by leaving a review. It takes only a few seconds of your time but means so much to the show. Th