The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

545 Leaders Need To Be Excellent Listeners In Japan



Leaders may not even be aware that they are poor listeners.  They are very focused on telling others what to do. Being time poor, they are very focused on their own messaging, rather than the messaging efforts of others.  In the war for talent in Japan, that could be a fatal move.  One of the biggest factors driving engagement in Japan is the feeling that the boss values you.  If the leader isn’t really listening to the team members, they are not stupid and they will pick up on this.  Before you know it, they have fled to greener pastures.  They are off to your competitor, and the arduous and expensive task of replacing them begins.  We don’t want that. Here are some hints on making sure you are a gold medal winning listening boss. 1.        You display an open and accepting attitude toward the speaker This sounds easy, but are we doing it?  Have we stopped the noise in our own brain to refocus on the person in front of us and not let that internal message competition diminish our capacity to listen to what w