Autoimmune Hour On Life Interrupted Radio With Sharon Sayler

Unlock Your Home’s Healing Energy: Exploring Feng Shui with Master Marie Diamond



Have you ever considered whether your home decor choices, such as color schemes or furniture placement, can affect your health and well-being? Get ready to learn some eye-opening information, including the surprising impact of a bedroom mirror. Plus, you won’t believe the unexpected item that should not be in Sharon’s studio...wait until you hear about that...In this episode of The Autoimmune Hour, host Sharon Sayler dives deep into the fascinating world of Feng Shui with Feng Shui Master and author of the best-selling book Feng Shui Your Life, Marie Diamond. Together, they explore practical tips for arranging our living and work spaces to support our health and well-being. Marie illustrates the importance of being aware of our surroundings and mindful of what we choose to keep in our living and work spaces. From transforming bedrooms to rethinking plant placement, this enlightening chat offers invaluable insight into creating harmonious and healing living spaces. Discover, • The Impact of Feng Shui on your h