Intrepid Northeast Radio

EP#2: Paddlequest 1500 with John Connelly



Today I interview John Connelly on his recent paddle expedition, Paddlequest 1500. John wanted to do something really epic for his 60th birthday, and also wanted to show people just how easy it is to get outside and have fun. He started in Old Forge, NY, and paddled the 740 mile length of the Northern Forest Canoe trail, then up the St. John River, through the Bay of Fundy, and finally down the coast of Maine along the Maine Island Trail, a total of 1500 miles by canoe and sea kayak. John plans to publish a book on his adventure, as well as a film and a lecture series to inspire others and raise awareness for outdoor stewardship. If you are interested in other related articles, visit  I also publish a short weekly issue of Intrepid Northeast via email. It contains cool or funny videos that I've come across, gadgets and gizmos that I've found to be useful, highlights from recent articles, and previews for upcoming podcasts. If that is something that you would be int