Manlihood Mancast

REWIND: Don't Be a Cuck - How to be more attractive and manly to your spouse



In this episode of the Manlihood ManCast, host Josh Hatcher encourages men to become better individuals for the benefit of their relationships and their self-development. He discusses the importance of personal growth, meeting your partner's needs, and establishing strong, clear boundaries. The episode concludes with Josh's robust argument for committing to a marriage full of love and respect in an effort to overcome temptation. The idea of fighting like hell for your relationship is made central to his advice, with self-improvement, as well mutual understanding and respect, being the ultimate keys to a fulfilling, enduring relationship. 00:01 Introduction to the Manlihood ManCast 01:17 Housekeeping and Product Introduction 02:50 Promoting the Arrows and Iron Brotherhood 04:18 Understanding the Term 'Cuck' 05:52 How to Avoid Being a 'Cuck' 06:11 The Importance of Self-Improvement 10:40 Meeting Your Partner's Needs 12:28 Guarding Your Relationship 17:31 Fighting for Your Marriage