Startup Diary

"Should I explore content marketing?" - Listener Question



AI Driven Chapters & Show Notes Below Content Marketing for Removals and Storage This chapter addresses whether a traditional removals and storage company should venture into content marketing or stick to its established methods. I share insights on the effectiveness of content marketing for generating brand trust and discuss the AIDA framework—Attention, Interest, Desire, Action—as a guide for converting awareness into sales. We consider the importance of understanding your product's place in the market and whether your audience needs education on what you offer. Furthermore, we touch upon the significance of leveraging a strong recommendation base while exploring new avenues for growth, especially when aiming to attract cold leads in a competitive, post-Covid market landscape. (09:56) Content and Partnerships Capturing in-Market Customers This chapter focuses on the strategic use of content to generate a higher volume of leads by targeting individuals who are already in the market for a product o