Jochum Strength Podcast

Biohacking Performance - Dr.Tyler Panzner and Pedro Do Amaral



On this episode we have the legends Dr.Tyler Panzner and Pedro Do Amaral – Tyler has his PHD in Molecular and Cellular Pharamacology where he works with people to optimize their lives based off their DNA – this is his second time on the podcast and if you haven’t listened to the first episode you absolutely should – Tyler introduced me to his genius of a friend Pedro who is studying Biomechical Science  - Chemistry and Mathematics to try and find the underlying principles of health – his page is full of high level molecular break downs of food and principles of health and he doesn’t hold back at all on todays podcast – these two geniuses take us down the rabbit holes of food – supplements and drugs to optimize your performance for sports and life and I can’t wait for you guys to listen – get the note pads ready – thank you for listening = keep chopping wood If you are interested in working with Dr.Tyler use code JOCHUM100 $100 off a deep dive with him! This episode of the podcast is brought to you by Keirs